writer : tinsight-ikumi
現地時間27日に「AFI生涯功労賞」を授与されるニコール・キッドマン。これに先立ち、デビュー作の貴重な映像を公開した(『Nicole Kidman Instagram「Excited to reunite with my fellow cast & crew at the premiere of #TheNorthman tonight」』より)
映画『Bush Christmas』でスクリーンデビューしたニコール。撮影当時はわずか14歳だった(『Nicole Kidman Instagram「This 14 year old girl could have never predicted all the talented people she would get to work with and the many different characters she would get to play」』より)
真剣な表情で演技をするニコール。地毛のスパイラルカールは、両サイドで結んでいる(『Nicole Kidman Instagram「This 14 year old girl could have never predicted all the talented people she would get to work with and the many different characters she would get to play」』より)
頬に泥をつけ、馬小屋のような場所で立ち上がろうとするシーン。14歳の若さで、迫真の演技を見せた(『Nicole Kidman Instagram「This 14 year old girl could have never predicted all the talented people she would get to work with and the many different characters she would get to play」』より)