この様子は、英ITVがクリスマスイブの夜に放送する番組『Royal Carols: Together At Christmas』の一部として流される予定だ。
「キャサリン妃はとても美しい! 世界の光となってくれてありがとう。」
The #TogetherAtChristmas service has concluded, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are entertained by a choir singing carols as they leave the Abbey.
Contains flash photography. pic.twitter.com/wzOUGBfz2T
— Westminster Abbey (@wabbey) December 8, 2021
画像は『Duke and Duchess of Cambridge 2021年12月8日付Instagram「What a special evening, seeing so many familiar faces, as well as meeting inspirational people who have gone the extra mile for their community in recent times.」』『Westminster Abbey 2021年12月8日付Twitter「HRH The Duchess of Cambridge hosted a carol service at Westminster Abbey to celebrate those who have supported their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.」』のスクリーンショット
(TechinsightJapan編集部 寺前郁美)