writer : tinsight-iruy
南アフリカ、クルーガー国立公園内にあるゴルフコースで獲物を奪い合うライオン、ハイエナ、ワニたち(『IOL 「Lions, crocodile, and hyenas feast at Skukuza Golf Club’s final green」』より)
2頭のライオンがインパラを仕留め、驚くゴルファーたちをよそに食事を始めた(『The US Sun 「BATTLE OF THE BEASTS Moment lions, hyenas and a CROCODILE battle for prey on golf course in front of players - but who comes on top?」』より)
インパラをむさぼる音を聞き、4頭のハイエナが周囲に現れたが、ライオンは気にせず食べ続ける。しかし、巨大なワニも現れて状況は一変した(『The US Sun 「BATTLE OF THE BEASTS Moment lions, hyenas and a CROCODILE battle for prey on golf course in front of players - but who comes on top?」』より)
巨大なワニの姿を見て、ライオンは獲物の一部をくわえて走り去り、ワニは残された肉を頬張り湖に戻った。最後に、ハイエナが残りをきれいに平らげていた(『The US Sun 「BATTLE OF THE BEASTS Moment lions, hyenas and a CROCODILE battle for prey on golf course in front of players - but who comes on top?」』より)
This is insane! Two lions had killed an impala on the final green @skukuzagolfclub while restaurant guests watched on. They were then chased off by hyenas and a crocodile! Not your regular golf course occurrence. Kruger National Park, South Africa.🇿🇦 pic.twitter.com/7pReME30LA
— Andrew Rice (@AndrewRiceGolf) August 13, 2024