writer : tinsight-iruy
捜索隊は滑落してしまった男性の正確な位置を把握するのに苦労していた(画像は『Nevada County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue 2022年7月13日付Facebook「Earlier today SAR was requested by CalFire to assist in searching for a 53 year old male that had fallen approximately 70 feet and complained of a broken hip and broken ribs」』のスクリーンショット)
ケガをした飼い主のもとに救助隊を導いた賢すぎる犬(画像は『Nevada County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue 2022年7月13日付Facebook「Earlier today SAR was requested by CalFire to assist in searching for a 53 year old male that had fallen approximately 70 feet and complained of a broken hip and broken ribs」』のスクリーンショット)
優秀な愛犬のおかげで男性は発見してもらうことができた(画像は『Nevada County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue 2022年7月13日付Facebook「Earlier today SAR was requested by CalFire to assist in searching for a 53 year old male that had fallen approximately 70 feet and complained of a broken hip and broken ribs」』のスクリーンショット)