ハクトウワシに襲われるガチョウ(画像は『New York Post 2022年5月19日付「Topless mom in her undies rescues pet goose from bald eagle in shocking video」(frankythegoose/Tiktok)』のスクリーンショット)
赤ちゃんを抱いたまま外に飛び出したケイトさん(画像は『Mikey 2022年5月17日付TikTok「We have lost 3 chickens in the last week from what I was told was eagles which I believed hawks were preying on them but watch Frankie (our female goose) get taken.」』のスクリーンショット)
難を逃れたガチョウのフランキー(画像は『Mikey 2022年5月17日付TikTok「We have lost 3 chickens in the last week from what I was told was eagles which I believed hawks were preying on them but watch Frankie (our female goose) get taken.」』のスクリーンショット)