身につけていたペンダントで命拾いした少年(画像は『The Sun 2021年1月6日付「HAND OF GOD Boy, 9, saved by his crucifix necklace that stopped stray bullet ripping through his heart as he played at home」(Credit: Newsflash)』のスクリーンショット)
ティツィアーノ君を救った十字架のペンダント(画像は『The Sun 2021年1月6日付「HAND OF GOD Boy, 9, saved by his crucifix necklace that stopped stray bullet ripping through his heart as he played at home」(Credit: Newsflash)』のスクリーンショット)
ペンダントのキリスト像(画像は『The Sun 2021年1月6日付「HAND OF GOD Boy, 9, saved by his crucifix necklace that stopped stray bullet ripping through his heart as he played at home」(Image: Telefe Tucumán)』のスクリーンショット)
軽い怪我で済んだティツィアーノ君(画像は『The Sun 2021年1月6日付「HAND OF GOD Boy, 9, saved by his crucifix necklace that stopped stray bullet ripping through his heart as he played at home」(Credit: Newsflash)』のスクリーンショット)