writer : ac
ジョージアの首都トビリシ近くの線路脇でポーズを取り、写真撮影をしていた10代少女。この直後、高速列車にはねられた(『MassiVeMaC X「Horrifying moment woman is struck by high-speed train while posing for picture in Georgia」』より)
高速列車と上半身が接触する瞬間。警笛が鳴っていたにもかかわらず、ニニさんは列車が直前に迫るまで気づかなかったという(『MassiVeMaC X「Horrifying moment woman is struck by high-speed train while posing for picture in Georgia」』より)
高速列車に弾き飛ばされたニニさん。地面に叩きつけられるも、奇跡的に無事だった(『MassiVeMaC X「Horrifying moment woman is struck by high-speed train while posing for picture in Georgia」』より)
Horrifying moment woman is struck by high-speed train while posing for picture in Georgia - and somehow survives
— MassiVeMaC (@SchengenStory) September 5, 2024
Nini Lomidze said she was miraculously unhurt in the horror incident at a railway track near Tbilisi, Georgia.
Lomidze, who was wearing a figure-hugging red dress, pic.twitter.com/ZAdMaPu35H