
writer : tinsight-ikumi

【イタすぎるセレブ達】エリザベス女王、故フィリップ王配とのプライベート写真を公開 「幸せそのもの」感動の声溢れる


写真を撮影したソフィー妃と夫のエドワード王子(画像は『The Royal Family 2021年1月28日付Instagram「The Earl and Countess of Wessex and Forfar caught up with local frontline services, volunteers and businesses as part of a virtual visit to Forfar yesterday.」』のスクリーンショット)




画像は『The Royal Family 2021年4月16日付Instagram「The Duke of Edinburgh had a passion for sports, and played an influential part in the administration of many sporting and recreation charities in the role of President or Patron.」「The Queen wishes to share this private photograph taken with The Duke of Edinburgh at the top of the Coyles of Muick, Scotland in 2003.」「The Duke of Edinburgh was a loving husband and a devoted father, grandfather and great-grandfather.」、2021年1月28日付Instagram「The Earl and Countess of Wessex and Forfar caught up with local frontline services, volunteers and businesses as part of a virtual visit to Forfar yesterday.」』のスクリーンショット
(TechinsightJapan編集部 寺前郁美)

1947年に結婚し、73年にわたって連れ添った女王と王配(画像は『The Royal Family 2021年4月16日付Instagram「The Duke of Edinburgh was a loving husband and a devoted father, grandfather and great-grandfather.」』のスクリーンショット)

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