
writer : tinsight-ikumi

【イタすぎるセレブ達】エリザベス女王、5か月ぶりに公の場で公務を行う パイロットと冗談を交えて談笑


胸元に輝くのは、オーストラリア訪問時に贈られたブローチ(画像は『The Royal Family 2021年3月31日付Instagram「Today The Queen viewed some of 1,300 names of Royal Australian Air Force personnel who have lost their lives in service of their country at the Air Forces Memorial at Runnymede.」』のスクリーンショット)



画像は『The Royal Family 2021年3月31日付Instagram「Today The Queen viewed some of 1,300 names of Royal Australian Air Force personnel who have lost their lives in service of their country at the Air Forces Memorial at Runnymede.」』のスクリーンショット
(TechinsightJapan編集部 寺前郁美)

1953年に開設された英連邦空軍記念館(画像は『The Royal Family 2021年3月31日付Instagram「Today The Queen viewed some of 1,300 names of Royal Australian Air Force personnel who have lost their lives in service of their country at the Air Forces Memorial at Runnymede.」』のスクリーンショット)

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