事故があったスーパーの店内(画像は『The Sun 2020年10月4日付「CRUSHED TO DEATH Supermarket worker, 21, killed after towering shelves collapsed as horrifying video shows shoppers run for their lives」(Credit: FocusOn News)』のスクリーンショット)
棚が崩れ落ち商品が散乱する店内(画像は『The Sun 2020年10月4日付「CRUSHED TO DEATH Supermarket worker, 21, killed after towering shelves collapsed as horrifying video shows shoppers run for their lives」(Credit: FocusOn News)』のスクリーンショット)
亡くなったイレーヌさん(画像は『The Sun 2020年10月4日付「CRUSHED TO DEATH Supermarket worker, 21, killed after towering shelves collapsed as horrifying video shows shoppers run for their lives」(Credit: FocusOn News)』のスクリーンショット)
救出作業をするレスキュー隊員(画像は『The Sun 2020年10月4日付「CRUSHED TO DEATH Supermarket worker, 21, killed after towering shelves collapsed as horrifying video shows shoppers run for their lives」(Credit: FocusOn News)』のスクリーンショット)