writer : tinsight-c-emma
メーガン妃とヘンリー王子、「OneWave」メンバー達と一緒に(画像は『Kensington Palace 2018年10月19日付Instagram「Founded at Bondi Beach in 2013, the @OneWaveisAllitTakes community has now spread to more than 100 beaches in over 20 countries, giving 10,000 people the chance to speak openly about mental health」』のスクリーンショット)
ビーチで輪になり、参加者の話に耳を傾けるヘンリー王子夫妻(画像は『Kensington Palace 2018年10月19日付Instagram「Founded at Bondi Beach in 2013, the @OneWaveisAllitTakes community has now spread to more than 100 beaches in over 20 countries, giving 10,000 people the chance to speak openly about mental health」』のスクリーンショット)