writer : ac
11日夜、テキサス州フリーポートの州間高速道路10号線で衝突事故が発生し、横転したジープから大人1人、幼児2人が投げ出された(『Dallas Texas TV X「Two toddlers, still in their diapers, walked away fine after being ejected from a Jeep that had flipped on a Texas highway」』より)
ジープから投げ出され、呆然とする“オムツ姿”の幼児2人。幸運にも軽傷で済んだようだが、「運転手は子供を危険に晒した罪で逮捕されるべき」といった怒りの声があがった(『Dallas Texas TV X「Two toddlers, still in their diapers, walked away fine after being ejected from a Jeep that had flipped on a Texas highway」』より)
NEW: Two toddlers in their diapers walk away fine after being thrown from a Jeep that had flipped on a Texas highway.
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) August 13, 2024
"The kids stood alone, a good sign. Just scrapped up," the man who originally shared the post on FB said.
"Deputies responded to a major crash on the main… pic.twitter.com/g1IvHCWxii