writer : tinsight-c-emma
訪れた家族と言葉を交わすヘンリー王子夫妻(画像は『Baby2Baby 2020年8月21日付Instagram「Baby2Baby was proud to host a drive-through distribution at Knox Elementary in South LA as students across the country return to distance learning this week.」』のスクリーンショット)
窓越しに物資を手渡しするメーガン妃(画像は『Baby2Baby 2020年8月21日付Instagram「Baby2Baby was proud to host a drive-through distribution at Knox Elementary in South LA as students across the country return to distance learning this week.」』のスクリーンショット)
笑顔でサムズアップするヘンリー王子(画像は『Baby2Baby 2020年8月21日付Instagram「Baby2Baby was proud to host a drive-through distribution at Knox Elementary in South LA as students across the country return to distance learning this week.」』のスクリーンショット)
バックパックを選ぶ手伝いをするメーガン妃(画像は『Baby2Baby 2020年8月21日付Instagram「Baby2Baby was proud to host a drive-through distribution at Knox Elementary in South LA as students across the country return to distance learning this week.」』のスクリーンショット)